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I have a confession to make: this is not my first blog.

It’s not even my second, or third. By my count, it’s my sixth. In highschool during my teen angst phase I had an OpenDiary. In University it was LiveJournal. Then when I went on my round-the-world adventure after graduating I had a blogspot to share my travels with friends back home. Then came an attempt at a lifestyle blog while I was living with my boyfriend. And finally when I got my motorcycle license I made one about being a petite motorcycle rider. I’m pretty adept at starting blogs. Continuing them, now that’s a whole other ball game. I never want to abandon them, but life just gets in the way. Or my interests change. This is the last blog I’ll start (mark my words).

I’m not going to make any promises I can’t keep – but I hope I manage to write at least once a week. Failing that – four times a month.


Most importantly, I’m hoping this blog will help me document and remember all the recipes, fashion love, and random obsessions, along with helping me keep track of the goals I’ve set for myself this year. I don’t want to look back on 2015 and not feel a sense of accomplishment – since every year when December creeps up I can’t for the life of me list three things that I accomplished during that year that I’m proud of.

And so, in no particular order, my goals for 2015:

  • Start a blog and commit to posting at least once a week
  • Plan our year-long honeymoon adventure
  • Learn about travel hacking
  • Learn to speak Italian
  • Finally compile all my travel photographs into a book
  • Complete a “30 Days of Yoga” challenge
  • Compete in Pole Dancing
  • Take a course or attend a conference of some kind
  • Learn about investments
  • Cook a new recipe each week for a month from a different country/culture